Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
The Belgo-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the specialized consulting firms Belofloripa and Aliseos, organized the first “Latin America: Trade and Investment Day” on February 23rd, 2016 in Wijnegem, Antwerp.
Through seminars and round tables, participants could learn more about a selection of Latin American countries that have contributed to the impressive economic growth of this region during the last decennia. Each one of these countries has its own strengths, opportunities and inherent business preferences.
Tuesday February 23rd, 2016
Frisomat NV – Stokerijstraat 79 – 2110 Wijnegem
15:30 : Registrations and welcome
16:00 : General Introduction by Mr. Carlos Cabrejos, CC Belgo Perú and Mr. Philippe Wauters, Frisomat
16:15: Seminar about Chile – Peru – Brazil
With confirmed presence of:
Ambassador Peru - Mrs. Cristina Ronquillo de Blödorn
Ambassador Chile – Mr. Carlos Appelgren
17:00 : Testimonial
By Vyncke – Clean Energy Technology
17:20 : Break
17:45 : Round tables
PERU – with Mr. Luis Olivares Pflücker – Commercial Office of Peru;
and consulting firms
CHILE – with Mr. Jean-Paul Gueneau de Mussy – Aliseos
BRAZIL – with Mrs. Grace Keli de Aguilar Gomes - Belofloripa
18:20 : Latin American Gastronomic Cocktail
20:30 : End
The subscription fee of 50 EUR may be wired to :
Belgo Perú Chamber of Commerce
Hobbema str. 75, 1000 Brussels
VAT No BE 0558 904892
IBAN BE75 3631 4197 0351 - SWIFT BBRU BE BB
Each subscription receives an expense note.